C-Messaging Simple & Focused Instant Messaging

Linked To Work being a cooperation and collaboration tool reduces the impediments found in organizations in daily life. Communication, for instance, is conceived to be an easy task but after interviews many HRs of the edifice organizations it has been deducted that many problems arise only due to the communication issues. The message is not rightly transferred and the progress is underwent fallaciously which causes a great loss. For solving this problem and of course saving the organization from a big loss we have designed and developed a module called C-Messaging which facilitates the intra organization communication. You just select a subject of the conversation and you are good to go. Members can be added as per desired in the communication and updated as well. With no limit of conversation and infinite members in a conversation you can enjoy Messaging over whelming. The communication is not only subject to work. Conversation can be of many purposes ranging from the most arduous to the most routine decisions such as food. Captivated Enough? Let’s plunge into the word of C-Messaging.


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Relliks helps medium to large enterprises around the globe to increase team productivity, employee engagement and transform business process. We at Relliks Systems aim to collaborate with top technology companies to meet the needs of our customers and enterprises worldwide.


C- Messaging

Linked To Work being a cooperation and collaboration tool reduces the impediments found in organizations in daily life.

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Task Manager

Linked To Work being a cooperation and collaboration tool reduces the impediments found in organizations in daily life.

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Project Manager


inked To Work being a cooperation and collaboration tool reduces the impediments found in organizations in daily life.

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